Tuesday 24 June 2014

confessions of a shopaholic

shopping....A word which means a lot to any girl, i am sure many agree with me, what would be better than to read a novel about it which many of us can relate to, It had been a long time since i had read a new novel so there i was browsing through what seemed like thousands of novels at a book store where i came across a book with which i fell in love with. A novel called confessions of a shopaholic written by the author Sophie Kinsella. It is an absolute must read!
Rebecca Bloomwood has what any girl with a dream would want, an amazing apartment in London, many glamorous friends, her best friend as her roommate, a job, and loads and loads of to die for trending clothes and shoes of various popular brands, but she has one weakness...she is a shopaholic and she is completely broke! But that does not stop her from buying more and more and more things. Her job at successful savings bores her to death and for what? a measly pay?? this is not where her worries end! she has been lately stormed with letters from Endwich Bank and Visa with the demand for big sums which she now cannot even ignore, she tries it all, cutting back, making more money, everything but nothing helps but only make her problems worst. Finally she gets to write articles on something she actually is interested in which change her life and her forever.